The following are social media tips that I read in this weeks Marketing News, written by Sima Dahl. It’s always good to get back to the basics: (more…)
Author: Janet Osterdock
The customer has changed…
Many of us think that the recession and recent changes in consumer behavior is temporary. Don’t get fouled, check out the following findings from our top researchers:
And then there was the USPS…
On March 2nd, Postmaster John Potter of the USPS, announced a 10-year plan to return to profitability, including increased productivity, new products, and legislative reform…blah, blah, blah (more…)
2010 Social Games
There are now more people watching the Olympics online then those that watch the games on TV. What about the Super Bowl Coco Cola ad? 100,000,000 people saw it on TV, while 500,000,000 say it online. (more…)
New Media 101
While many of us consider social media to be new and innovative, it’s actually more of an old style of communication. (more…)
You can't measure social media….
Or can you? The good news is Yes, social media is measurable and here’s how: 1) Traffic is the most obvious way to measure a social media campaign. (more…)
It’s sometimes nice to say goodbye~
2009 was a tough year for many and saying goodbye can be a renewal and wonderful start to new challenges. (more…)
Why facebook?
1. More than 350,000,000 active users 2. 50% of active users log-in on any given day 3. Fastest growing demographic is 35+ years old (more…)
Is social media free?
The prevailing opinion is that social media is free. Sure, there’s no cost to set up an account on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube but is it really free? (more…)
Are newspapers dead?
379 U.S. newspapers plunged on average of 10.6% from April – September 2009 which is on top of heavy declines the last years. (more…)