Confessions of a Fashionista

From Ralph Lauren to Jones New York, and Evan Picone, I was given an $8,000 clothing allowance and was charged to wear only regularly priced clothes when visiting one of our retail outlets.

Oh my, what a challenge for a young woman…

O.k., so I’m an x-fashionista and Project Runway is one of my guilty pleasures.  Last week, Heidi Klum announced the challenge, which included designing a print fabric and then incorporate that fabric in a complete fashion assemble.   I wasn’t sure how that would be accomplished.  A few moments later, each design contestant was given their own computer with a touchscreen program, which allowed them to touch or draw directly onto the screen. The design was printed and then given to a fabric mill to digitally print onto fabric.  Within a few hours, each designer was given their custom fabric and was off and running with the rest of the challenge.
Most of us print professionals, think digital print as short runs or highly personalized message for print collateral only.  Step aside, digital print has evolved and now includes applications in many forms, including home design and decorating use, in addition to fabric design, and even personalized and eatable cake decorating.
We live in an amazing period of technology of all types, with limitless possibilities.  Don’t let technology intimidate you, but rather inspire you to knew levels.   Now get busy!  If you don’t, someone else will inspire your clients.

ZOOM Media

ZOOM Media