Celebrating 10 Years!

ZOOM like wine, has grown better with time!

Please join us in celebrating 10 years of business with a new name, ZOOM Media. We’re so much more than a cross-media company, and we believe our new name reflects our evolution.

I started the business in May of 2009. Friends said I was crazy, and my clients were shocked. I had a successful career, but the market was at the bottom and GM had just filed bankruptcy. Social media was new to the industry, and there were questions on how to use it in marketing. I thought it was an awesome opportunity, so I studied thought-leaders like Guy Kawasaki and Seth Godin. I built the business with these new learnings, and launched ZOOM to be a cross-media marketer that combined social media with direct mail and digital outreach for clients. Soon after, I launched a website with a funny man wearing a life preserver with a tagline, Your lifeline to direct marketing.

I started a blog and wrote about my learnings and early experiences. I chuckle when I read those articles now – I think I was convincing myself as much as anyone about the value of cross-media marketing. Many of you believed in me, and I’m thankful. Together, we tested new tactics and integrated new platforms. One of my faves was a Facebook contest for a white sound machine, called OMG, I desperately need a good night sleep – a wildly successful campaign.

Early on, a client introduced me to Jan, our graphic designer. When I met Jan, she was interviewing for a position with UC Davis and she decided ZOOM was a better fit – lucky break! I knew Susan from the American Marketing Association but didn’t know her well. One day, I sat next to her at a lunch meeting, and she was the friendliest technical person I had ever met. She was perfect! Mike and Marilyn joined us a little later. Mike is a hip techie and Marilyn is compadre in our love for dogs.

Dennis has been involved in the business from the beginning, and is always supportive. He has a corporate mindset and thinks bigger and more strategically than I do. Strengthfinder identified him as a Maximizer which I guessed before he took the test. He’s also developed key relationships across the country which is important to our services.

I look back on the early times with fondness, but I’m more excited about our future. We’re better listeners and ask questions that clarify opportunities and drive strategy. We’re more focused on your success, and partnering with your team to achieve your goals. Our service continues to be a hallmark, and our experience in the market coupled with client knowledge is unparalleled. We don’t take it for granted. I had a boss early in my career tell me that I was only as successful as yesterday’s sales, and I don’t forget it.

Moving forward, we look to continue growth in the following areas:

  • Develop influencers and word-of-mouth with high-impact assets
  • Automate seamless interface for marketing communications
  • Online material fulfillment with download and shareable content
  • Inspire marketing community with compelling storytelling
  • Support local community with our hearts

“Please join us in our celebration – it’s because of YOU!”

ZOOM Media

ZOOM Media