If you’re a business or non-profit already using reply mail, you’ll definitely want to learn about the USPS’s Earned Value Reply Mail (EVRM) promotion.
From April 1 through June 30, 2013 the USPS is providing a .02 per piece postage credit on all courtesy and business reply mail processed through the USPS. That’s right, return envelopes that you provide to your mail recipients can qualify you for a postage credit when they are returned back to you.
2 super-easy steps:
1) Register for EVRM online through the Business Gateway from January 15 through March 31, 2013. Mail owners must use their own unique Mailer ID (MID.) A permit number must be provided at the time of registration.
2) Create your business reply art online using your Mailer Identification (MID). The IMb will be encoded with your identification. When the USPS processes your return mail, a .02 per piece credit will be applied to your permit.
Do you need your own permit?
No, you do not need to use your own permit. You can use your mail service provider’s permit, even if you’re a non-profit. In this case, the USPS will credit your mail provider’s permit with your MID information. The MID will allow your mail service provider to track your credit accurately. Your postage credit can then be applied to future mailings. You’ll of course want to confirm the arrangement with your providers before you do anything.
Nitty Gritty Details
You may have a different return mail quantity from the USPS reporting. Credit will be applied based on the USPS reporting.
At this time, there is no expiration to use your postage credit.
Participating mailers agree to partake in a survey about the promotion.
Make sure to read the USPS fine print and as always, contact us for personal assistance.