Capitol Air Show Takes Flight Part 1

ZOOM received a call from the California Capitol Air Show (CCAS) on the Tuesday before Father’s Day. They wanted to do a tie-in promotion. 

Father’s Day was the following Sunday.

They had realized what a great opportunity the holiday offered to get the word out about their September event, and that it was time to take ZOOM’s sage advice to “start the conversation early!” In addition to getting a good running start at increased attendance and ticket sales, they wanted to reward their existing loyal fan base, and, at the same time, add to it.

CCAS is a local Sacramento non-profit established in 2004. Since then, they have become one of the largest and most respected air shows in the country. Every year they award over 70 scholarships in aviation, aerospace, aeronautics, and related fields.

The Runway Was Pretty Short For A Solid Takeoff.
In addition to there being very little time to create and implement a promotion, they had a limited budget with very little money for advertising. Their primary outreach in the past had been radio, newspaper and TV ads, placed in just prior to the event.
CCAS, remembering their conversation with ZOOM the year before, went directly to them to ask for their help. “If anybody could pull it off, Janet could do it,” a CCAS spokesperson said.
Time restraints left only one platform available, Facebook. ZOOM’s solution was to launch a Facebook drawing for passes to see the restricted and highly secured aircraft not ordinarily accessible to the public. To enter the drawing they would ask participants to nominate their father, or father figure, and explain why he deserved to be selected.

Read about CCAS results

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ZOOM Media

ZOOM Media