QR Code App That Will Blow Your Socks Off!

Korean Grocery store Tesco set out to see if they could become the #1 grocery in Korea, without increasing the number of stores. 
Their research team and wrapped their head around the psyche of the Korean culture. Koreans are the second hardest working people in the world and because of that, spend long hours at work and have little time to shop. With that in mind, their marketing team developed a creative solution – a virtual store.

Subway stations were literally turned into Tesco shopping centers aisles with billboards of grocery store shelves. Each item had a QR code, which could be read by a smartphone, while they were waiting for a train. Purchased items were placed directly into an online shopping cart and were delivered to their home, during their off hours.
The campaign was enormously successful. Tesco became the #1 online grocery retailer and is quickly close the gap in overall sales to the #1 grocery retailer.
Other impressive statistics:           

  •             10,287 visited the online store
  •             New registered members rose by 76%
  •             Online sales increased by 130%

This is the kind of stuff that trips our trigger. If it trips yours, give us a shoot. We would luv to brainstorm about the possibilities of your business.

ZOOM Media

ZOOM Media