Why Most Marketing is Not Working

We are hit with more than 600 marketing messages every day, so it’s not surprising that most advertisements fall on deaf ears. 
Here are a few ideas from the Wall Street Journal on how to get noticed:

  1. Deliver at a time when the customer has few other distractions. Timing is important and delivering your message when your recipient is more apt to see and receive your message is critical.
  2. Can the message be designed to pique the customer’s curiosity? Piquing interest is more important than giving them all the details. Consider a billboard that is creatively presented and makes you think about a business versus one filled with information.
  3. Can the message piggyback on another brand? Is there more value or exposure in collaborating with another business? Adidas and Goodyear recently joined efforts on a line of motor-sport inspired driving and sports shoes. The soles of these shoes are made from a special Goodyear rubber with logo and every person wearing the shoes is also promoting Goodyear.
  4. Can the product or service occupy a piece of the physical environment that the customer frequently interfaces with? Southwest recently launched an app through DING in which the customers can download an icon that resides on the desktop bar. Limited-time offers and news are announced with sound and highlighted by an envelope that displays over the icon.
  5. Can you incorporate one of the 5 physical senses? Cough-drop maker Ricola uses herbs cultivated in the Swiss Alpine region. Marketing includes Alpine mountains, which provoke imagery and heritage associated with the brand.

+ ZOOMology Note:
Always be sincere in your approach. Nothing can be substituted for good old fashion honesty and integrity. Too many of us make leaping associations and/or claims about our products and services and in the long run, it never works.

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