5 Ways Social Media Makes the World Better

1) Supporting Revolution Across the World: In the 60’s and 70’s protesters demonstrated in front of the White House. Today, they take to Facebook. Social media was the backbone of organizing protesters in Egypt, which led to the downfall of President Mubarak.

2) Emergency Support

In October 2012, New Yorkers with no electricity took to Twitter to share Hurricane Sandy emergency information, including transportation updates and gas station availability to other stranded locals.
3) Citizenville
After the Boston Bombing, news organizations solicited the help of the community.  Within a few hours, 2,000 tips were received from locals, which included photographs and video of the scene. As a result within a short period of time, the suspects had been identified.
4) Saluting Our Soldiers
Pinterest isn’t just for aspiring chefs. The US Army uses 31 boards to connect service members via powerful images of Vietnam Ware heroes and long-awaited reunions.
5) Organ Matching
Chris Strouth had been living with kidney disease for three years when he was told he needed a transplant. Chris took to Twitter and wrote, “I need a kidney.” Within a few days, 19 people stepped up and offered to be tested. One of them was a match and the decided to go through with the surgery. There’s also a Facebook donor network.

Inspired by Alison Caporimo


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