Facebook is fun and nothing more than kicks and giggles. WRONG! Just like the golf course or on the phone, real communication most often happens when you’re one-to-one.
So next time you find yourself questioning the time you invest on your Facebook business page, remember the last time you really connected with someone. I bet it wasn’t in a direct mail piece, radio or TV spot, but rather when you were personally speaking with someone.
Just last week a business associate of mine lost her mother and she shared her last few days with her friends on Facebook. It was real – It was heartfelt – It was powerful. And, no other medium that could have supported the dynamics of what transpired as a participant and observer in the conversation. Although this was quite personal, it shows the level of authenticity that is supported on Facebook.
So why is that we question the relevance of Facebook for business? I think it’s more about not knowing what to do with it and giving up on the platform too quickly than it is a true assessment of the possibilities.
For more info on the serious side of Facebook check out Japan and Social Media.
The Serious Side of Facebook