My dad was 54 when he had me. He had a gentle nature, and as a kid, I followed him around our garden after he got home from work. He grew delicious vegetables including tomatoes, carrots, squash, and my favorite artichokes. As he tended the garden, he also answered all my questions about life and shared stories to make a point or teach a lesson.
One story he shared was about a reporter who was assigned to watch the landing of the Hindenburg. I guess the reporter didn’t feel like watching another zeppelin landing, so he skipped it and reported back to the office that it went well. Of course, it didn’t, and the publisher lost credibility and their reputation by reporting a smooth landing the next day. My pop chuckled that the reporter thought he got away with something by skipping out on the event.
I learned at a young age that your word is everything. If you say you’re going to do something, it’s important that you follow through on your commitment.
Lee Iacocca’s father said when you die, if you’ve got five real friends, then you’ve had a great life. It may be old fashion, but I think it’s still true today. Having good friends is rare and quite special; friends that have your best interest, friends that you can count on, and friends that are good for their word.
Our relationships are built on transparency and consistent follow-through. It’s our core value and who we are as people, and it’s what drives us every day. We jump through hoops to meet our customers’ objectives under demanding circumstances and deadlines. Meeting these expectations when it’s difficult, is when it matters most. A client recently said, “You delivered quicker and faster than a much larger organization. We need you to continue doing your magic”. It’s during those times that we build deep and lasting relationships.
As we come up on our 14-year anniversary, we reflect on the relationships that we’ve built and the friends that we made and we’re grateful.