5 Lessons in 5 Years

Zoom Cross-Media celebrates 5 years!Almost five years ago we launched a business with an idea, and because of you we’re celebrating an important milestone.
5 BIG lessons we learned along the way:
1) Stay on top of finances – I thought about becoming an accountant in high school. Good thing I didn’t pursue it. Keeping the IRS and Board of Equalization happy is my least favorite part of the business.
2) Own your mistakes – Steve Jobs once said “Sometimes when you innovate you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your innovation.” AMEN!
3) Relationships are king – I wish I could tell you what this means but I’m afraid you’ll have to become a client to experience it firsthand.
4) Listen and then listen some more – listen to the good, the bad, and the ugly. You’ll find your greatest opportunities in the detail.
5) Keep learning – The kiss of death for business is believing you know it all. Be a student of everything. It’s good for business and the soul.
ZOOM Cross-Media was an early adopter of integrated marketing. Our roots are in direct mail, and we continue to do millions. We integrate online engagement with permission-based email, and develop robust content management systems while we grow word of mouth networking through online platforms and social media.
Contact me to discuss the opportunities. 

ZOOM Media

ZOOM Media