As you navigate the world in the Covid-19 era you may be seeing funny barcode square on billboards, restaurant tables and even postcards. This is the Quick Response (QR) code and it has had a massive resurgence in the past few months. QR codes have been around since 1994, but app developers are the ones who began utilizing them for websites and personalized information in the early smartphone days. These codes rely on their two dimensional set up to store much more information than a traditional one-dimensional bar. In fact, they have been shown to store so much data in one code that recently a Youtuber by the name MattKC was able to put the entire arcade game Snake into a single code.
QR codes were originally considered a failure by many, mainly due to the need to log in to your app store, find a free QR scanner application, download it and then use it (most likely once) on your limited storage smart phone. Most people would see codes on the back of cards or in store windows and wander past without a second thought. Today however, QR readers are pre-programmed into your phone, meaning the user simply needs to hold their phone’s camera up as if they were taking a picture.
In today’s world everyone wants as little physical contact with their surroundings as possible, so QR codes have become some marketer’s best friend. What does this mean for ZOOM clients? QR codes are the new bridge between print and digital. Where many companies try to figure out different mediums to reach their target market, and slowly roll out a campaign, we can develop a streamlined program to launch direct mail postcards and pamphlets with a call-to-action QR code directing them to an online interface. This is a perfect way to drive traffic to online ordering, program registration or a donation gateway. The possibilities are endless.
Check out our services by holding your phone’s camera to the QR code below, or contact Adam at 925-478-9009 or for more information.